Sustainability in our operations

Environmental aspect

Our approach

Sofina tackles ESG considerations as a company with an equal focus on the environmental, social and governance aspects. In this respect, we take many initiatives to be sustainable, to minimise as far as possible our environment footprint and to have a positive impact on our communities and stakeholders.

We strive to reduce our environmental footprint

We perform a review of the GHG emissions footprint of our operations (scope 1 and 2, and scope 3 category 1-14) on an annual basis and use this data to track progress and implement actions to further reduce our emissions in line with a 1.5°C scenario.

We reduce our environmental impact in our operations


  • Greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions reduction targets 
  • Waste management in the workplace 
  • Sustainable building renovations 
  • Soft mobility 
  • Use of electric cars 
  • Reduction of business travel 

We develop eco-friendly activities and practices


  • by reducing our printings
  • by placing recycle bins in our offices
  • by systematically choosing sustainable solutions (non-disposable cutlery and water dispensers, etc.) for our offices.

We raise awareness on environmental issues

We raise awareness of our employees on environmental issues such as climate change and waste management within the workplace through workshops and knowledge sharing, encourage soft mobility, use of electric cars and the reduction of business travel. We expect our people to be mindful of our environmental impact and take their share to contribute to reducing our environmental footprint.

Social aspect

Our people

Human relationships are central to our mission and our employees are key to the organisation. Our preferred access to attractive investment opportunities also relies considerably on our diverse teams representing the world in which we invest, key people and their business relationships. Our human approach and extensive business network is therefore at the core of our track record and success. As such, it is important for Sofina to ensure we are able to attract and retain qualified and diversified talents.

Our people


87 colleagues across three offices in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Singapore.

6% employee turnover rate in 2023.



Our people are agile and motivated and are eager to learn and to evolve.

We hold regular check-ins and feedback sessions to understand our people’s development needs, career aspirations.

We provide ample training and development opportunities, among which a ESG training held in 2023 for our leadership and investment teams to reinforce our ESG mindset.



Diversity and inclusion are part of Sofina’s DNA and relies on our One Team approach

Sofina recognises the positive correlation between performance and a diverse and inclusive workforce, and pays attention to various aspects of diversity, including national, gender, and age diversity.



We encourage our employees to take initiatives for well-being and team building. In 2023, we completed renovation to enhance comfort and modernise our spaces.

We strive for balanced lives, promote autonomy and adopt a flexible working organisation through flexible work schedules and homeworking.

Our people benefit from extensive healthcare coverage for hospitalisation and outpatient care.

We take actions to have a positive impact on communities through many volunteering initiatives and donations to charities.

Governance aspect

We are attentive to regulatory developments and have high ethical standards

We closely monitor regulatory developments in regions where we are active.

We carefully review the investment structure and policies of our portfolio and target companies for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

We comply with international rules and regulations on human rights and rights of the child, anti-bribery and anti-money laundering.

Sofina’s Code of Conduct is central to these commitments. The Code of Conduct embodies Sofina’s values and ensures all employees and Board members comply with these principles.

The Sofina Dealing Code provides a framework to employees and advisors to ensure compliance with the Market Abuse Regulation.
The Code of Conduct and the Dealing Code are both presented to each newcomer and all employees are required to attend a compliance training and complete a compliance questionnaire once a year. The Compliance Officer ensures these codes are effectively complied with.

We strive to implement the best governance practices at all levels

Our governance practices at Sofina level (composition of the board, board committees, decision-making process at management level) and in the relationships with our stakeholders allow each party to fully play its role and assume its responsibilities.

We avoid any conflict of interest, or appearance of conflicts of interest, through transparency and proactive dealing with any situation of potential conflict of interest.