In 2011 Sofina and its family shareholders founded the SofinaBoël Fund for Education and Talent with an annual budget of approximatively EUR 1 m.
The Fund has identified three intervention areas:
1. Granting scholarships to students from Belgian universities to enable them to complete their education at a renowned university abroad.
2. Granting scholarships to talented young Belgian craftsmen to support their training in the heritage arts.
3. “Boost for Talents” to help the transition between secondary school and higher education or university for teenagers from socially deprived environments.
In early 2020, Sofina decided to provide long-term support to an organisation active in Cambodia in the field of education in particular: Temple Garden Foundation.
In the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic, Sofina supported an Indian initiative led by local investment players, Action Covid-19 Team (ACT Grants).
Sofina launched the Sofina Covid Solidarity Fund, a EUR +20 m fund to address the adverse consequences of the global Covid-19 pandemic on two key issues related to its sectors of focus: specific challenges in healthcare systems and services and the digital gap in education.
Our communities

Our community actions

Local volunteering programme
Sofina offers one day of paid leave per year to its employees to spend a day with at least two colleagues in a charity. If the day spent in the charity is outside working hours, Sofina will contribute EUR 500 to the charity. In the framework of the pandemic, Sofina also allows its employees to devote half a day per week to volunteering.

Matching gift programme
Sofina undertakes to match the donations made by its employees to charties up to an amount of EUR 500/year per employee.

Internal collects and recycling
Internal collects of clothes, toys and food are organised in our three offices and donated to charities.
Collects of IT materials to ensure recycling are also organised in our Brussels office in collaboration with Natuurpunt, a non-profit organisation which undertakes to plant a tree or preserve one square meter of forest for each device collected.